Hello Everyone,
Yesterday afternoon, Kelly Sports came to our school to teach us some fun activities!
The first activity our class did was called, Circle Pass. Basically we were all split into 3 equal teams, and one team would run around a square while the other two teams were in the middle trying to pass the ball in a circle as fast as they could. The objective of the game was to pass the ball around the circle as many times as you can to get the most points.
The second activity we did was called, Inchworm. Everyone each had a little lily pad and we had to jump onto them making it to where the toys were thrown in the middle. Once the person in the front grabbed as many toys as they could, they would pass it down the line until it reached the last person. The last person would put it next to a cone, but if someone touched the grass, all our toys would be thrown back in.
The third activity we did doesn’t have a name but basically, you had a ball in front of you and 3 different objects, A bat and two hockey sticks. You had to use those equipment to get the ball to the cone without using your hands. Once everyone had achieved it, you went with a buddy and tried getting it to the cone once again, but this time you couldn’t use the equipment so everyone used their heads.
The fourth activity we did was called, Ship Wreck. In this game we all had a hula hoop and we had to hold it and just walk around. But once Bart (one of the instructors) called, “SHIP WRECK!” We all had to drop the hoop and jump inside. If one of your team members were late or wasn’t inside the hoop, everyone had to do 10 star jumps.
The LAST activity we did was called Shark Attack. We got into teams of 6 and everyone first had to run and get 7 pieces of equipment. WE had one spare for the person at the back. The goal was to use the equipment to get to the end, but if you touch the grass, your team would have to restart.
Have you ever done anything with Kelly Sports?
Blog you later!